Logistics Wordbook

Automated Order Fulfillment

Logistics Glossary

Automated fulfillment is the implementation of technology and resources to automatically manage the fulfillment process, which helps to speed up processes, save time, and reduce human error.

Automation puts fulfillment on ‘autopilot’ by fully delegating the pick, pack, process to the experts at Waredock key locations.

The six steps of order fulfillment

Thee six steps in the order fulfillment process are:

  1. Receiving inventory shipments
  2. Inventory storage
  3. Order processing
  4. Shipping
  5. Returns processing

How to automate order fulfillment?

Automating Inventory Storage

Automated inventory system refers to an inventory system that automates key parts of the inventory management process. Top brick & mortar and ecommerce retailers tend to lean on inventory automation to streamline their fulfillment and supply chain management. These automations can save tons of time and effort while also benefiting the bottom line.

An automated inventory system can be used to perform a variety of vital business operations for a retailer and D2C business, including: 

Companies that offer inventory storage automation include Skubana, Skuvault and others

Automating Shipping

Automating shipping means the automation of shipping procedures. This includes picking items from inventory, packing boxes, and getting packages in transit to be delivered to customers.  Shipping automation can be done through the use of robots, or by adding a layer of software or installing infrastructure like conveyor belts.

What is order fulfillment cycle time?

Order Fulfillment Cycle Time measures the time it takes from customer order to the receipt of the product or service by the customers. It therefore provides an insight into the internal efficiency and supply chain effectiveness.

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